Friday, August 30, 2019

Taking Sides: Russia

For Wednesday's class, please read and reflect on Taking Sides, Unit 1, Issue 1.2, entitled, "Is Russia Being Demonized for Pursuing Its National Interests?" in the 17th edition or "Was Russia’s Intervention in Ukraine the Result of Western Aggression?" in the 18th edition.

I've posted a scan of the chapter on the class Moodle (one-time only) because of the confusion about textbook editions and Amazon Prime failure.

Also read the preface, introduction and first chapter of A Rulebook for Arguments. There is a copy on reserve now in the library.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Where do you get your news?

Here's a handy chart by Patent attorney Vanessa Otero that breaks down news sources by reliability and political viewpoint. What's your take on it? What are you reading?

Before class on Wednesday, please create a blog for this class, and send me the address (URL). In addition, please bring to class the list, however short, of the sources you go to when you want the latest news.

TEXTBOOK UPDATE: There is a new edition of Taking Sides (18th), so if you haven't bought it or rented it already, get the new one (ISBN-13: 978-1259882975). Hector, my apologies!

TEXTBOOK UPDATE UPDATE: Either book will do fine. There is an overlap of nine issues covered by both editions.